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Beauty Threat: 6 Worst Skin Products That Cause Acne and Wrinkles

The key to healthy skin is not only the external care, but also the internal condition of the body. Some foods can contribute to inflammation, which leads to skin problems and premature aging. Especially if they are constantly in the diet. Doctors have listed foods that threaten skin beauty.

Sweets (candy, desserts, sugary pastries and sugary drinks)
Frequent consumption of sweets can dramatically increase blood sugar levels. When this happens, a cascade of body processes kick in, causing the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum. This causes acne. In addition, candy, sugary drinks, and baked goods contribute to premature aging and wrinkles.

Milk and milk products
Dairy products stimulate the production of the hormone IGF-1, which is a trigger of acne. However, skimmed milk can have a greater negative effect.

Red and Processed Meats
Although red meat is a good source of protein and iron, it is high in saturated fats. Their excess leads to high cholesterol levels and ruins the skin. It is also believed that a large amount of saturated fats increases the production of IGF-1 and therefore contributes to inflammation. And it provokes skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis and eczema. Processed meat also includes a lot of salt. Excess salt leads to dehydration, depriving the skin of moisture and glow, as well as the appearance of puffiness under the eyes.

Flavored yogurt.
While plain yogurt is largely unrelated to acne, flavored versions can cause skin inflammation. This is due to the sugar, which makes yogurt taste brighter.

White bread.
White bread is considered a refined carbohydrate. That means it is quickly broken down, digested and absorbed, causing blood sugar levels to spike, doctors say. Increased glucose provokes acne and promotes collagen healing, which means it causes collagen fibers to harden and crack. Collagen is responsible for skin elasticity and firmness.

White rice.
Like white bread, white rice is a refined grain and has a high glycemic index. A spike in blood sugar triggers a sequence of events that eventually activate the sebaceous glands that cause acne.